SHRINK AND WALK ® method weight loss involves a daily diet of one nutritive meal of choice. The meal should be nutritive, consisting of a main course of meat, fish, or poultry. The meal will also typically include a soup or salad, vegetable, and/or potato.

To prevent dehydration, the SHRINK AND WALK ® weight loss method requires drinking a minimum of one-half gallon of water and/or low-calorie energy drinks per day. An occasional dessert, light snack, soft drink, or alcoholic beverage is also permitted. Since the basis and appeal of a SHRINK AND WALK ® diet involves the food preferences of the particular individual, meal choices will vary, and for that reason (and the fact that author Gary Charles Metz generally cooks prepared foods in the microwave and often frequents restaurants) recipes are not included in his ebook.

Since most people have been accustomed to eating three meals per day, eating one daily meal will eventually result in feeling full sooner, which will shrink the appetite. The "Walk" component of a SHRINK AND WALK ® program should involve one hour of daily physical movement, which could include, (but not be limited to) walking, bicycling, running, rowing, swimming, etc.

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